July 5, 2024

Tom Shaw: “He’s carried himself with absolute class throughout.”

Tom Shaw spoke yesterday ahead of tomorrow’s match versus Exeter City at St. James’ Park in League One.

QUIZ: How much can you remember last season’s match between Exeter City and Lincoln City at St. James’ Park? Have a go at the quiz at the bottom of the page!

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On the players’ stamina and athleticism:

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“We tried to recruit some athletic players, we tried to bump the athleticism up in the group in the summer. I think it’s obvious for everybody to see there’s some really athletic lads in the group.

“We’ve got a brilliant sports science department, some top people who have built that conditioning and robustness in the players, but most of that really is a mental application and I think Tuesday night especially, or both games, but especially Tuesday night especially the lads were willing to keep running.

“Some of the running was very useful, but some of it was like a thankless task where they turn water into wine, so they’ve got the attributes, the physicality, but it’s the mental application that I think has the been the most impressive because they would have been feeling it.

“Lasse (Sorensen) looked dead on his feet after 70 minutes and then he’s still sprinting in the 82nd so their attitude complements their their physical makeup and the the stats are phenomenal.

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“So from the Burton physical output to Tuesday night it’s 8,000 metres more from the group which is like playing with an extra player from Burton pretty much. So, yes, the physicality is there, the conditioning work is consistent through the week and delivered brilliantly by the the sport science staff, but the mental side of it is the difference.

“We had 22 shots on goal on Tuesday night – 11 of those were in the first half when we dominated the ball and dominated territory against a side that always dominate the ball, so we were a threat with our in possession stuff.

And then we were a threat with our physicality in the second half where we sprung on them loads and that’s probably the more exciting bits for the supporters and for the group because it had a nice flow to it and was really aggressive, but we yes we’re miles more than than a physical side.

“The players have proven especially in the last two games they can also handle the football. They can have confidence, bravery. The second goal will be watched by a lot of people right around the football world.

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“I think that there’s there’s a lot of threat to our team – different types of threat. The set-pieces we’re continuing to discuss how can we improve it. We scored from our long throw at Fleetwood and we’ll be trying to improve on the corners and wide free-kicks. There’s a few little clever ones – on Tuesday night, people would have seen – and we’ll keep trying to be better and better, but this group’s got the capabilities. technically and physically to carry plenty of threat.”

On Hakeeb Adelakun:

“It’s an industry of proving people wrong constantly. There’s so many footballers out there after your jobs and the players will be in and out of the side. It’s the nature of the beast, but the players that can have that mentality of never giving up even when it’s a really low point, they will have longevity in their their careers.

“He’s carried himself with absolute class throughout and I think the club, even though he wasn’t getting the playing time he would have wanted, have been good with him and hopefully he feels that as well, but it’s a brilliant story.

“He was sparkling on Tuesday night. We played him in a different role, gave him freedom because he’s a bag of tricks, a creative footballer, so we tried to create those opportunities for him. His first goal was sensational. If that’s at the top level, that is spoken about on every TV show going.

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“So a talented player, brilliant bloke and he’s got an opportunity now to try and stay in the team and fight off some of the other forwards that are coming back into the fray.”

On Adam Jackson picking up a knock against Charlton:

“We think he will be available. We’re confident he will be. He took a bang on the hip. He was brilliant. Everybody in the defensive responsibilities have been fantastic and that’s what’s built the foundation for the two performances.

“Jacko.. the bit I’ve been most pleased about for is he’s shown his stuff. With the ball, he’s very capable, technically. You can see how he has real care and passes the ball. He spots passes, plays them well, but he’s got a big part to play at this football club and hopefully, he’s going to be fine for Saturday.”

On Ben House and Tyler Walker’s injuries:

“Ben will be a longer term. He’s had an operation and he’s in very capable hands. He won’t be out for the season, hopefully on the turn of the year we’ll start to see him in and around the grass.

“Tyler will be sooner. We’ve got to get him back out on the grass, but ready to show robustness and be able to get a string of games together and get his flow going.

“We know how talented Tyler is what he can give the group. That’s looking more promising. It’s not going to be tomorrow, but it’s it’s coming and he’s putting so much effort in the gym. You can see every day he’s he’s getting himself in the best physical condition ready for his return to training which is just around the corner so that’s going to be a big boost for everybody.”

On Reeco Hackett’s injury:

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“We feared the worst probably the day after the game so it’s not as bad as it could have been. It’s a medium-term injury, probably the best term for it, but he will be out for a little period. Again he’s in good hands and his mentality means he’ll come back in a in a good place.”

On Teddy Bishop’s injury:

“Teddy will be hopefully training tomorrow (Friday) and then it’s just how many minutes. We know what Teddy Bishop can provide to this group and his talent and ability, and he can drive the group on with his endeavour and energy on the ball and he dribbles and drives. He’ll be a good weapon for us and hopefully, he’ll be available uh for for the trip down to the south-west.”

On his stint as interim manager:

“It has been magnificent. I love coaching players, love trying to help players, love trying to create an environment. In a week you can’t affect everything, but we’ve tried to do things a certain way and tweak little bits here and there. Nothing major, not tried to reinvent the wheel, but tried to give players an edge and a spring in their step.

“The thing we’ve really focused on is the in-possession stuff. I think that’s been rewarding for everybody, seeing some of the bits roll out, especially the goal, but I’ve loved every minute of it.

“I really love this football club, love working here, love working with players, love setting a team up, so this is a dream come true.

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“It comes with certain pressures, and your own pressure on yourself to do it well, but I’ve loved it and the people around myself and with myself on the staff side have been fantastic and in the support of me the club and the players so it’s been great.”

On the permanent head coach role at City:

“I love coaching players and I want to progress in my own career. I want to be a head coach one day and all I’m going to keep doing in the short term is planning every day and the next few days with the best sort of clear plan in my head to help the players.

“We’ve had two game plans for two different games and they’ve worked and the players have executed it brilliantly and there’ll be another one for Exeter again without trying to overcomplicate it, just going there with simple ideas in our head.

“But my own situation is I just want to do the best I can for the football club and the players, every single waking hour and then we’ll see where we go from there.”

On new coach Chris Cohen:

“He’s another young coach. He’s a talented man who loves helping players and helping the team and he’s in the same situation as me, where we are just attacking every single day. He’s been magnificent with the players and around the building, like part of the furniture really.

“He’s coached the players and he’s been around the games. He’s been up in the stand as he likes to watch it from a different viewpoint, so that’s been refreshing. He’s been a breath of fresh year for everybody.”

On Exeter City:

“I thought they were one of the most impressive teams we played last year. I thought they’re really well coached. It didn’t surprise me when they started so well this year and they’re right at the top end. They play an exciting, expansive brand of football. If you look at their expected goals, whether people believe in that or not, they’re right up there so the results might not be fair and just. We know we’ve got a tough game.

Bristol City's offer for Scunthorpe's Hakeeb Adelakun rejected | Football News | Sky Sports

“They’re on a bad run and they’ll be trying to rectify any issues and they’ll come out fighting. They are a good side – they’ve lost a centre forward. It was massive for them in the transfer window, but they’ll be trying to find their way of carrying a threat.

“We’ve put so much into the last two going back-to-back is very difficult. I think there’s two teams that have won the last two games in our division, so can we go three in a row? It is a big, big task, but one that the players are really motivated for and the staff the same and I know the supporters will attempt to drag us over the line the best they can on Saturday.

“It is a big ask for the supporters isn’t it? I don’t know who does the fixtures, but the idea of back-to-back Saturdays at Fleetwood is a lot to ask of supporters.

“Whoever can make the journey, we massively appreciate the backing and the noise that the away fans make is always brilliant and the players are appreciative of that. We will endeavour to give them something to get behind like we did in the last two two fixtures so we look forward to seeing everybody down there and we’ll try our best to put on a show.”

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