July 4, 2024

Tom Naylor is one of the players on four yellows. Picture: Tina Jenner.

Chesterfield aware of looming bans ahead of top-of-the-table Barnet clash next month

It will be business as usual when it comes to Chesterfield’s approach to yellow cards and possible upcoming bans.

The Spireites have got Tyrone Williams, Tom Naylor and Armando Dobra all on four bookings. One more on Saturday against Kidderminster Harriers and they will be suspended for the top-of-the-table clash against Barnet next month.

Tom Naylor is one of the players on four yellows. Picture: Tina Jenner.

But the camp don’t want to overthink that and it sounds like they will continue as normal with their team selection and approach to the game.

“The big thing the gaffer us as staff say is that the next game is the most important one. If you start thinking about that too much you are almost disrespecting the Kidderminster game as opposed to the Barnet game.

“If we go to Kidderminster and don’t turn up and lose, then what’s the point of thinking about bookings and scenarios.

“It has been discussed, but as it stands I think we will approach the Kidderminster game as if no one had yellow cards. We just need to go there and win the game.”

The cut-of point for five yellows is the 19th match of the season.

Webb continued: “You don’t want to plant that seed in their head, you want them to play with freedom, but our players make really good decisions for themselves.

“In the heat of the moment things happen. What you can’t do is try to remote control players too much and tell them how to feel, tell them how to react.

“The players know what bookings they are on, but we won’t be telling them any do’s and don’ts, which may distract them from their normal game.”

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