July 2, 2024

Newcastle linked with a move for Leroy Sane

BBC Sport comments from ‘neutraesting onls’ – Very inter Ncasetle United after 2-2 against West Ham

Intriguing to read through these BBC Sport comments, following on from Newcastle United’s draw at West Ham United.

The comments from neutrals especially telling…

A lot of it different to what Newcastle United fans had come to expect from the BBC Sport ‘neutrals’.

The BBC Sport comments from neutrals in the past had been overwhelmingly a catalogue of abuse aimed at NUFC supporters.

Particularly stuff about the Newcastle United owners and the media inspired pile-ons that NUFC fans have become used to, when blamed for who now owns their club.

On this occasion though, the politics largely forgotten about, apart from bizarre conspiracy theories about bribing match officials…

Eddie Howe appointed new Newcastle United Head Coach | CNN

The BBC Sport readers


, with West Ham fans and the odd Newcastle supporter also contributing:

‘A good point in the end for West Ham. I guess Moyes’s tactics work well generally but I wish that when we score we don’t just sit back and concede possession. Surely the more you’ve got the ball the more chance there is of scoring again. COYI.’

‘Another wicked game for Isak.’

‘Ref bottled it in not sending Guimares off, also no booking for Almiron for waving his hand asking for a booking, and that was never a foul by Paqueta on Tonali, once again a ref showing how poor the refereeing standard is in the premier league.’

Game of two halves. Newcastle toothless in first 45 minutes. Got better throughout the 2nd half. Gutted about the equaliser so late on. West ham fought to rhe end and got a well deserved goal. I expected a close game given where both of us are. Plus we’ve have euro football mid week so fatigue will have set in. A good point and think both sides would have been happy with thr outcome. Well played.’

Eddie Howe appointed new Newcastle United Head Coach | CNN

‘Despite the best efforts of the officials to ruin the game, it was a great game to watch. Arguably Toon could’ve been down to nine and hammers even down to ten. Never a foul for the equaliser and a hint of push for the second. Banks is always shocking but today he bottles it massively.’

‘Farcical refereeing. So disappointing. West Ham would have won that game if it were not for the officials.’

‘Draw was fair, didn’t get the rub of the green on decisions but didn’t do enough defensively. Think both us and Newcastle will in the Euro place mix come the end. Great game from both teams.’

‘It would seem last week’s attempted shake-up of the woeful officiating in this division hasn’t filtered down to this match but a decent scrap between 2 clubs who are closer than they are apart in terms of ability if not in their respective available budgets.

I would imagine the safe money was on Newcastle before kick-off but West Ham gave as good as they got.

Been a good week for both clubs.’

Eddie Howe appointed new Newcastle United Head Coach | CNN

‘West Ham look very good this season. Feel like they would’ve fallen apart at 2-1 down, last season.’

‘They could be so much better. They have large periods during the game where they do absolutely nothing. Then can turn it on easily and have some great players…would frustrate the life out of me.’

‘Rules are clear cut. One might say black and white, but if your name is Bruno they apparently don’t apply.’

‘You can see who is a Sky favourite team with this game. Well done the Hammers though. Deserved the point, maybe more.’

‘No they didn’t.’

‘NUFC not clinical today. Should have won really.’

‘I’m a little disappointed not to get 3 points today after being one up and hitting the post for a 2 goal cushion… but I’ve gotta a soft spot for the hammers which somewhat eases the blow. Good luck until we see you at St James’s lads and lasses.’

‘Feeling is mutual mate.’

Eddie Howe appointed new Newcastle United Head Coach | CNN

‘Until it got to desperation time in last 10 mins WH had 1 shot on target and less than 30% poss. I know Moyes secured a glorious European trophy last season but when oh when is someone going to wake up to the fact that he has an unrelentingly dour attitude & just hopes the opposition stuff up or WH get enough set pieces. The only 2 top sides they’ve faced, they lost. He’ll never change.’

‘Ref was truly appalling. Never seen such a woefully inconsistent performance.

Despite him, it was a good game and 2-2 is a fair result.

Best of luck to the Toon for the rest of the season

‘How on earth is Peter Bankes a prem referee , every time that man refs a match he has a shocker. Someone tell me how he keeps his job ?’

‘I don’t know where the bbc reporter gets “Newcastle were the better side across the first 88 minutes” from? West ham edged the first half, newcastle had the next 35mins then west ham the last 10.’

‘Newcastle dominated after half time.

The ref was dismal.’

Eddie Howe appointed new Newcastle United Head Coach | CNN

‘Peter Banks, hang your head in shame. How can those officials justify the blatant bias they officiated today, no consistency. Unless it was the plan all along, If that was the case I hope you’re Middle East backhanders don’t keep you awake at Night.’

‘Appalling ref. West ham probably deserved to win but he ignored several yellow cards that should have been given against newcastle when they brought down west ham players when breaking or attacking, and the free kick that led to newcastles first goal should have gone to west ham.’

‘You have to question refs getting paid to ref in the UAE, Saudi, etc. and then reffing Prem teams owned by those states!’

‘Irons fan – A great game and a fair result all said. Yet again it’s the officials that get most of the comments though. Terrible performance from Banks – now is the time for the top global refs to be brought into our top league and get rid of these amateur idiots who ruin the game without fail every week.’

‘Dear Newcastle we are sorry you did not win. We tried our best, but you were tired. Ah bless. Lots of love the PGMOl and BBC. Dont worry we got you x.’

‘Should’ve won that in the first half, referee very weak questionable 1st goal from Newcastle but probably a fair result overall.’

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