July 2, 2024

PARKINSON | Manager hails players' response as Wrexham get back to winning  ways - News - Wrexham AFCMale Wrexham students take a stand to ensure women can enjoy a safe night out

Wrexham University students have come up with their own rules of engagement for a night out, in collaboration with the Welsh Government’s Sound campaign to end violence against women.

In a series of engagement sessions, male students from Wrexham University explored the importance of creating a safe and respectful nighttime environment where inappropriate behaviour towards women is not tolerated or excused.

Sound is a bilingual platform for young men, with a single aim – to make Wales the safest place to be a woman.PARKINSON | Manager hails players' response as Wrexham get back to winning  ways - News - Wrexham AFC

The group of male students came up with the following rules of engagement, during a collaborative session, where they opened up about how they think men should behave on a night out, to make sure women feel safe and respected.

Wrexham University’s rules of engagement included:

Ask, don’t assume
Respect each other’s boundaries
Keep an eye on yourself, keep an eye on each other
The students said it is important to be respectful when engaging with women on nights out and to ensure consent is approved.PARKINSON | Manager hails players' response as Wrexham get back to winning  ways - News - Wrexham AFC

One student explained: ‘If I’m in a club and I go up to a woman and ask her if she wants to dance or if I can have her number, if she says no, I withdraw and I won’t bother her again. It’s knowing how to make people feel comfortable.”

Another student agreed: “Yeah I love to dance, but I never assume that people automatically want to dance with me.”


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