July 6, 2024

Titans' 1st Black GM says he stands on 'shoulders of giants' | AP NewsNFL Power Rankings: Who’s up/down after draft?

And just like that, the 2024 NFL Draft is done. From Caleb Williams to Jaylen Key, 257 picks have been etched into history.

I always feel a little strange after a draft class has been completed, like I’m dropping the kids off on the first day of school. Will they do OK? Are they nervous? I’m nervous for them!

I think this class has a chance to be a good one, at least at the very top. This might not have been the deepest draft we’ve ever known, but I’ll be fairly stunned if at least two or three of the top six quarterbacks don’t become good — really good, even. Beyond them, there’s just too much wide receiver and offensive line talent up top for those groups not to represent well, too.

Therefore, I’ve made some adjustments to the Power Rankings. Some teams got better last week. A few others might have missed some opportunities.Titans' 1st Black GM says he stands on 'shoulders of giants' | AP News

Last we met, the Falcons made a noticeable jump with the signing of Kirk Cousins, plus a few more offensive pieces. What do we do with them after taking Michael Penix Jr. in Round 1 (and generally having a curious draft elsewhere)?

That’s the beauty of the NFL draft. It’s a Rorschach inkblot capable of being interpreted a thousand different ways. So here are 32 more interpretations of how I see the teams stacking up as summer nears.

NOTE: Up/down arrows below reflect team movement from March’s Power Rankings, which were published after the free agency frenzy.

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