July 4, 2024

NFL Analyst Believes Jason Licht Signed The Wrong Quarterback

Among the home runs the Bucs believe they hit in free agency is re-signing the quarterback that led them to another NFC South title and got them within two plays of the NFC Championship game.

But “The Heroes,” the four-man gang of the NFL.com podcast “Around the NFL,” aren’t quite as enamored with Baker Mayfield as Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht is.

In fact, Dan Hanzus seems to think Licht and the Bucs signed the wrong quarterback. The right quarterback, per Hanzus, should have been damaged goods 36-year old Kirk Cousins.

You like that?

“If you are willing to go that high for Baker, salary-wise, why not rework a couple of more deals and make a real play for Kirk [Cousins]?” Hanzus asked. “And then you don’t and then he ends up in your own division and then he goes to the team that has the best roster to contend in that division. Eeww-fah!”

First, Joe wants everyone to understand Joe has met the four-man gang self-glossed as “The Heroes” and they are good peeps. So what Joe is about to type is nothing personal.

The Bucs are 22-42 under GM Jason Licht. Does he deserve another draft?

So, the Bucs don’t have the talent of Atlanta but yet were able to not just beat the Dixie Chicks on the road but win the division and get to the divisional round of the playoffs with a lesser quarterback?

If Atlanta had this superior talent, why couldn’t they overcome a subpar quarterback to win the division? Either Mayfield isn’t that awful or perhaps it is Atlanta’s talent that is overrated?

The Bucs are 22-42 under GM Jason Licht. Does he deserve another draft?

What is it with this undying love people have for Cousins? He’s not a bad quarterback at all but if Mayfield is so terrible, how is it that Mayfield has twice as many playoff wins as Cousins?

And Cousins won his lone playoff game with a good Achilles.

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