July 14, 2024

Police and football fans out the London Stadium

Coventry City arrests and banning orders put club in top 35 across England and Wales

The Home Office has revealed figures for the arrests at 116 clubs across the country in the football league

Football-related arrests and banning orders at Coventry City FC have landed the club in the top 35 for such offences in England and Wales. The Home Office has revealed figures for the arrests at 116 clubs across the country in the football league

Coventry City came 32nd out of 116 clubs. They had a total of 25 football-related arrests and banning orders. The club were approached for comment but did not reply.

West Ham United topped the table for football-related arrests. Hammers fans were arrested 89 times for football-related incidents last season, according to the latest figures from the Home Office. That’s more than fans of any other club.

Read more: Plans revealed for new addition to Coventry’s West Orchards Shopping Centre for part of old Debenhams

Police and football fans out the London Stadium

Manchester United had the next highest number of arrests with a total of 83. Leeds United have the next most with 69, followed by Manchester City with 66, Arsenal with 51, Tottenham with 51 and Burnley with 50.

There were a total of 2,264 football-related arrests in the top five divisions in England and Wales last season. That’s up from 2,198 the season before.

Police and football fans out the London Stadium

It’s also the highest number since the 2013/14 season when there were 2,273. However, football matches had a combined attendance of 45.4 million people last season according to the Home Office figures. That suggests an arrest rate of just 0.005%, or five arrests for every 100,000 people.

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