July 7, 2024

MK: “The least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else.”

Ahead of the Burton Albion clash Mark Kennedy reviewed the positives from the midweek EFL Trophy games versus Wolves U21 and explained why having games in hand with regard to the Football League competition is a mixed blessing.

QUIZ: How much can you remember last season’s match between Lincoln City and Burton Albion at Sincil Bank? Have a go at the quiz at the bottom of the page!

You can discuss what Mark Kennedy has said ahead of this match here, or in the comments section at the bottom, as well as get involved with the pre-match discussion on the forum!

Image for MK: “The least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else.”

Wolves U21 EFL Trophy Game: MK was pleased with the result, points on board, moving up the table and improving the goal difference. From a playing perspective a number of players ‘got minutes’, and there were good performances which gave food for thought (selection-wise). There were lots of pluses to take from the game with the added bonus that all of the players came through the fixture unscathed.

Burton Albion: MK is mindful that Burton ‘did the double’ over the Imps last season. In the away game, Lincoln were second-best throughout and it lead to possibly the worst overall performance of the season. In the home game, it was more a case of it being a really average game that Burton managed well and the Imps failed to get the fans out of their seats. Burton are a side that noticeably start games ‘like a train’, so aggressively and strongly. It is something that MK has picked up about Lincoln in general in so much as they need to improve and be better at the start of games.

Image for MK: “The least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else.”

“If you’re not at it you’re going to come unstuck and if you are at it which we did multiple times against big teams we’re not supposed to win you would imagine, we got points”. In that respect, Saturday is no different.

Burton are not a side that MK sees struggling at all this year and expects them to finish well in the final analysis. Lasse Sorensen’s injury is only short term but unfortunately as of today, albeit he was ‘on the grass’ he trained with the physio.

Games in Hand: MK reflected that the Imps have either one or two games in hand on all the other L1 sides, overall not being a fan of having to play catch up.

Image for MK: “The least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else.”

“The one thing I learnt last year, I felt I should have personally been more aggressive in getting rearranged games done quicker”

MK felt last season that there were too many occasions where the Imps were just below mid-table whilst holding games in hand, whereas he would rather have points on the board. Conversely, in that respect, it is a good thing that Lincoln do have a game in hand this Saturday with a lot of other games being called of.

“It gives us an opportunity to claw some points back on people”.

Players Not Selected to Start: MK responded to players like Jaden Brown and Ali Smith not regularly starting games. It is good that they are frustrated at not regularly starting matches, although it is worth noting that they do still have plenty of ‘minutes’ to their name. MK recognises it is important to build good relationships with players not getting starts and consequently spends more time talking to those players. Both of the referenced players are good people who train and perform consistently well – every player has the chance to impress the manager each day during training.

Image for MK: “The least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else.”

“I always say to the players that are playing, make sure the fella (sic) sat on the bench watching you, he may not be happy he’s not playing, but the least he should be doing is understanding why he’s not playing when he looks at somebody else; and I think on the whole the lads who have played ahead of them this year have done so on merit….I think they can see that”.

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